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Terms and Condition

Terms of use

Hello friends! You are always welcome to be a part of TWP. However, to be part of this wonderful family, you have to abide by our rules. All Services of TWP, TWP website or its content or platform ("Our Services") are brought to you ("you", "your", "User" or "Users") by TWP ("TWP", "we", "us" "our")
  1. Your Acceptance of our Terms of Use Hence, by using any of our services, you hereby agree to:
    • these TWP Terms of Use ("The Terms")
    • our Community Policy and Content Guidelines
    • our Privacy Policy.
    which are collectively referred to as "Our Policy" If you are using Our Services on behalf of another person or entity, you agree that you have the authority to bind that person or entity to Our Policy.

  2. Modifications Our Policy could be modified from time to time and such modifications would be published on the TWP Website. We may notify you of any modifications we make that affects your rights by notifying you via email or by updating the date on the website. You should also frequently review Our Policy on the TWP website in case of any modifications. All modifications will take effect immediately after posting, and your continued use of Our Services after we post the modified version will confirm your acceptance of such modifications.

  3. Conditions of Use
    (a) Age. You agree that you are at least 14 years old and are competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in The Terms, and to abide by and comply with The Terms. Our Services are intended for users who are 14 years and above. If you do not meet this requirement, please do not use Our Services.
    (b) General Use. You agree that you will not interfere with the operation of Our Services, or use Our Services in a manner that violates any laws. Such manners may include, but are not limited to:
    • making use of or gaining unauthorized access to another user's account or impersonating any person or entity in the use of Our Services
    • advertising or promoting goods or services through Our Services without TWP’s permission nor distributing unauthorized materials through Our Services
    • harvesting or compiling any content or personal information from or through Our Services
    • acting in any manner that would harm TWP’s network, system or infrastructure
    • reverse-engineering, deciphering, decompiling or disassembling any of the software comprising Our Services or any software making up a part of Our Services. You will not even make an attempt to do any of the above mentioned acts.
    • attempting to probe or test the vulnerability of, or breach the security of any system in TWP.
    • engaging in any activity that restricts or inhibits any person from using or enjoying Our Services.
    You agree that you will not access or use, or attempt to access or use, Our Services to take any action that could harm TWP, service providers, licensors, or any other third party. Any attempts to do these may result in legal actions.
    (c) Content:
    • You agree that TWP does not guarantee any confidentiality regarding any content you post or submit.
    • You agree that we may use automated systems and personnel to review, monitor, and moderate content submitted by Users to Our Services ("User Uploads"), every webcomic or content provided on Our Services ("e-content"), and other content on Our Services in order to screen or watch out for any violations of Our Policy.

  4. General Use of the Website
    (a) Creation of your account: Some of your details may be required to create a User account for you, which you may need to access some of Our Services. You agree that you are responsible for providing accurate account information, for keeping your username and password confidential, and for all activities occurring under your account. You agree to quickly notify us of any suspicious access to your account or of any unauthorized use of your username and password. We will not be liable to you for any losses you incur as a result of someone else's access to your username, password or account, with or without your knowledge and you may be held liable for losses incurred by TWP or others due to any unauthorized use of your username, password or account.
    (b) Actions Disallowed. You agree that you will not modify, reverse engineer, decompile or reproduce Our Services or the e-content. You agree that you will not, whether in whole or in part, create any derivative works from Our Services or the e-content.
    (c) Upgrading. In order to keep the TWP website updated, certain upgrades may be made to the TWP website.

  5. Licensing
    (a) License of Digital Content TWP grants you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable and non-transferable license to access and view the e-content, your use of which must be consistent with Our Policy. E-content is not sold, transferred, or assigned to you and the license granted to you does not transfer any ownership right to you.
    (b) License Limitations You agree that you will not copy, sell or sublicense the e-content. You agree that you will not make available or claim any rights to the e-content, except your own User Uploads. You agree that you will not remove or alter any trademark, service mark or logo or any copyright or other intellectual property notices on or in the e-content. You agree that you will not copy, modify, translate or create derivative works or adaptations of the e-content except your own User Uploads. You agree that you will not do or attempt to do any of these acts: circumvent, modify, remove, deactivate or impair any digital rights management software, encryption, authentication or any technology used to deliver or protect the e-content.

  6. Ownership of Digital Content. You agree that Our Services, the e-content made available on Our Services are owned by TWP or licensed by their respective copyright owners to TWP. TWP does not transfer any interest or right to Our Services and/or e-content to you. The TWP website and all elements of Our Services are protected by the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

  7. Privacy.
    (a) We take very serious, matters with regards to privacy, and hence we have established certain policies that relates to the way we collect and use your personal information in connection with your use of Our Services. Please read our Privacy Policy to understand how we collect and use your personal information.
    (b) Every information you share in public activities through Our Services are open to and can be seen or copied by other Users of such public activities. Hence, you must be cautious and don't reveal personal information while participating in such activities. We will not be responsible for any information you choose to post in these public areas.
    (c) Your access to any third-party services (such as Facebook, Instagram or any other third party sites) through Our Services may require you to share some information with these third-party services, including information about your activity on Our Services. Hence, you should also read through their Privacy policy in order to be well informed. We will not be held responsible for any damages caused by your access to such third parties.
    (d) Personal information are not intentionally collected by TWP, from Users below the age of 14. Any guardian who believes that a User under the age of 14 may have provided personal information without their consent should contact us via our email (thewebtoonproject@gmail.com). We may delete the personal information of such Users in such cases. However, parents or legal guardians should supervise their children whenever they participate in online activities.
    (e) TWP may choose to share certain information with you about Our Services via mediums determined by us, including through the contact information you provide during your account creation process. Hence, you agree to receive communications from TWP which may include, but are not limited to: sending notifications of any modifications done to Our Policy, sending surveys or questionnaires for development and proper functioning of TWP, sending alert notifications if by any chance you default on your part to adhere to Our Policy, sending notifications of any new products, services or programs which TWP may have or intend to have and other notifications we may need to share with you.

  8. User Uploads and Contributions
    (a) User Uploads. You agree that you grant us a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable license to access, use, host, cache, store, reproduce, transmit, modify, create derivative works of, advertise, publish, distribute and monetize your User Uploads in order to maintain and improve Our Services, and to do so in any media we choose. You agree that we may use the e-content, User Uploads or any derivative works throughout the world, to promote, market, and publicize Our Services, and that we may do so in any language, formats and media, whether currently existing or hereafter created. You warrant that you own, or have obtained, all rights, licenses, consents, permissions, power and authority necessary to grant the rights that you grant to us for any User Uploads which you upload on Our Services. You warrant that your User Uploads will be in keeping with our Content guidelines.
    (b) Contributions. Feel free to give your contributions, suggestions and feedbacks regarding improvements to Our Services. However, you agree to assign any and all rights you have regarding the contribution, suggestions or feedback you give. You acknowledge and agree that any contribution or suggestion you give does not grant you any right or title in Our Services or in such contribution or suggestion and that TWP may use and disclose them in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever without further notice or compensation to you and without retention of any rights or claims by you.

  9. Advertisements:
    (a) You agree that TWP may provide any advertisements to you online or offline. Advertisements may consist of scripts, graphics, audio, video, texts or a combination of these, majorly for the purpose of promoting a third-party's product or services and may direct the User to an external link or page.
    (b) Our Services may contain links to third party services, contents and platforms, like social media sites. You should use any linked third-party service or content with caution as we do not control the contents of those sites. Hence, we accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them. If you have any concerns regarding such third-party service, you should contact their customer care.

  10. Termination of Use You agree that TWP reserves the right to modify your operation of, or suspend or terminate your access to Our Services or to the e-content, whether for a season or permanently; completely or partially. You agree that your use of Our Services will be terminated if you fail to comply with any term in Our Policy. You agree that TWP reserves the right to interrupt the operation of Our Services, completely or partially as necessary to perform maintenance, or any other changes. You agree that if at any time, TWP fails to exercise or enforce any term in Our Policy, such term and TWP's rights will not be waived.

  11. FACE OF TWP Contest This is a character contest organized by TWP, which allows users and character fans to nominate and vote their favorite characters to be on display on any TWP advertisement. The character that eventually wins the contest will be displayed on any TWP advertisement (as the "Face of TWP") till the next Face of TWP contest takes place or for the duration of time which TWP chooses. In the first round, you are allowed to nominate your favorite character(s) for the election. From the nominations, TWP will draft out a list of names of the nominated characters which will be qualified for the second round. In the second round, you are allowed to vote for any character of your choice. You are allowed to vote for only one character. However, you can give more than one vote for only that character. You agree that after the final round, TWP reserves the right to determine the character that wins the contest which could be based on, but not limited to, the number of votes each character has.

  12. Scripture For The Week You agree that every week, a scripture would be on display on Our Services or Website.

  13. Disclaimers and Warranties. You agree that the use of the e-content or Our Services is at your own risk. We do not make any warranty of any kind which may include, but are not limited to, availability, accuracy, ability to meet your needs or preferences, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, non-infringement and others; under the laws of any jurisdiction. We do not warranty that your use of Our Services will be free of interruptions, errors or any harmful component. Hence, TWP will not be responsible for any damage to your mobile desktop, tablet or any technical device, property or software. TWP will not be responsible for any loss of data or for any injury which may have been secured from your use of Our Services. You agree that TWP does not take responsibility for any product or service offered or advertised by a third party through Our Services and TWP will not monitor any transaction you make with a third party. No advice or information from TWP grants a warranty, hence, you must be very cautious in your dealings with third party sites.

  14. Indemnification. You agree to indemnify and release TWP, its employees, affiliates, officers, agents, directors, collaborators and representatives from any losses or liabilities. You agree to indemnify TWP from all causes of action, claims, injuries, damages or costs of any kind arising in connection with any of Our Services or relating to delivery, misdelivery, acceptance, possession, use of or inability to use any benefits or relating to personal injuries, death or destruction of property. You agree to indemnify TWP from any losses related to rights of publicity or privacy, tort, warranty or defamation whether done intentionally or not, whether under a theory of contract or not.

  15. 15. Laws and Rights: You agree that your use of Our Services will be in compliance with applicable laws. All licenses are non-exclusive and any rights not expressly granted in Our Policy are reserved to TWP. 16. Limitation of Liability.
    (a) When permitted by law, TWP, its licensors and employees will not be responsible for any indirect, accidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages, errors, loss of revenue or profit, financial losses, breach of any warranty or contract, negligence, tort or any legal theory related to Our Services.
    (b) You agree and acknowledge that TWP will not be held responsible for any damages caused by any third party.
    (c) The total liability of TWP, regarding any claim arising under The Terms is limited to the amount you paid to use Our Services.
    (d) In case of bankruptcy, TWP reserves the right to deny all benefits and obligations that it may have.
    (e) You agree that TWP has the right to suspend, delete or cancel User accounts as well as cancel any User benefits if bugs, errors, unauthorized human intervention, viruses or any cause that affects the administration, security or proper handling of the benefits arise or if TWP becomes incapable of running the program as planned.
    (f) Our Policy shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
    (f) You agree to abide by Our Policy and you agree that all that has been mentioned in The Terms are enforceable and valid to the extent permitted by Law.

  16. 17. Contact If you have any questions, feedbacks or contributions, please contact us at: thewebtoonproject@gmail.com LAST MODIFIED: 20th January 2025

TWP Community Policy and Content Guidelines

Community Policy and Content Guidelines.
All Services of TWP, TWP website or its content or platform ("Our Services") are brought to you ("you", "your", "User" or "Users") by TWP ("TWP", "we", "us", "our") Every member of the TWP community (that is, our readers, employees, authors {ie writers and illustrators}, and fans), all collectively called "TWP Elites" are expected to abide by the rules, policies and guidelines mentioned on this page. These policies and guidelines, together with the Terms of Use, privacy policy and every other policy of TWP are to be followed appropriately. If you do not adhere to them, you may not use Our Services.

Community Policy and Code of Conduct
We intend to build oneness and unity amongst TWP Elites. Hence, we have compiled the following "dos" and "don'ts"


  1. Respect everyone you meet: Give respect in or through your attitude, comments, posts, or in any form whatsoever.
  2. Keep your personal information private. Be careful not to share any of your private information or details in public activities and be careful of who you share them with, whether on the TWP platform or outside the platform.
  3. Report any suspicions you have. If you suspect your account has been impersonated or have any other suspicions, please report to us via our contact email on the website.
  4. Report any content or comment you believe is inappropriate. Feel free to report any content you believe is not appropriate or in keeping with our content guidelines. However, TWP reserves the right to make the final decision as regards to whether such content is inappropriate or not. We will review such content and if the report is justified, such content will be removed and the author, warned and/or banned.


  1. Do not make any insulting, abusive, hateful or threatening statements or behaviors towards any User, staff or any other TWP Elite.
  2. Do not making any sexual advances or similar behaviors towards any TWP Elite, and do not make sexual comments, jokes, links or the like on any of our platforms.
  3. Do not impersonate someone else or gain unauthorized access to someone else's account. We do not allow the use of same username or information as another User.
  4. Do not post or threaten to post another User's personal details (including their phone numbers, real names, home or email addresses etc) without his or her consent.
  5. Do not spam. Do not post any unwanted or deceptive content or any content that infringes on the privacy or on other rights of other TWP Elites. Do not post any unwanted or unsolicited links on any of our Services and do not create any or multiple accounts for the purpose of promoting commercial products or services or for driving traffic to external websites or platforms. Any content or activity we take note of and deem to be spam will result in warnings and/or banning of your account and in removal of such content.
  6. Do not artificially increase the number of subscribers, user engagement, view counts or other metrics whether through automated systems, third-party services, creating multiple accounts or through any unwanted means.
  7. Do not trade, rent, sell or gift your account or any account to anyone.
  8. Do not behave or act in any way (on our platform or outside our platform) that affects TWP Elites.
Not adhering to any of these may result in warnings and/or banning of your account (with or without notice) and TWP reserves the right to take necessary action when any of our guidelines are defaulted.

Content Guidelines
As an author, you retain full ownership of the webtoon or comics which you upload on our platform. TWP will never claim ownership or rights over your intellectual property. However, to draw attention to your works and help amplify them, TWP may create derivatives from your series or create advertising videos, graphics, texts, images etc for marketing and promotional purposes. All authors of TWP are expected to abide by Our Policy, even in the content which they submit or upload. As a measure for filtering unwanted contents, TWP has devised a system that paves way for approval of all content before they are published on the TWP platform. This means that as an author, the content which you upload will first be approved by us, before they can be published on the platform. These are the content rules and guidelines which binds every content published on any of our platforms:

A. Ownership and Intellectual property rights and Impersonation
For every content you submit or upload, you must possess all its ownership rights. Your content must never infringe on the rights of another User or author, including but not limited to the copyright, trademark or any other intellectual property rights of another User or author. You must NOT engage in piracy of another User's content nor share any copyrighted content nor share links to any pirated content without consent from the copyright owner(s). If by any chance, we notice that the content you submit fails to meet up with these guidelines, they will not be approved, and if already approved, will be taken down immediately. You are NOT allowed to post or submit content that is intended to impersonate another author (whether the author is a TWP Elite or not)

B. Sexual content
All forms of sexual content are NOT allowed in any of Our Services or platforms. Nudity (full or partial), indecent dressing of webtoon characters or artworks, depicting sexual actions are NOT allowed on any part of the e-content whether on the cover pages, thumbnails, banners or posts or anywhere in or around your User Uploads or on our platform. Erotic content, content intended for sexual gratification or porn content are NOT allowed. Any content that promotes any and all forms of sexual relations including, but not limited to LGTBQ, bestiality, incest, grooming etc are NOT allowed. Any content with any of these will be DISAPPROVED or TAKEN DOWN by TWP.

C. Content depicting violence, self-harm, illegal or dangerous acts We do not allow contents that promote or glorify the following:
● suicide or self harm
● animal/human assault, forced sexual abuse, sexual assault etc.
● social vices, criminal activities or terrorism
● brutal acts of violence
● use of illegal drugs, weeds or substances.
● rebellion against and hatred towards authorities.
Any content that promotes any of the above will be disapproved and/or taken down. Uploading or submitting contents that promote or glorify any of the above and doing so more than once could result in warnings from us or even banning of your account.

D. Contents that promote identity crisis. We do NOT allow content that promote or glorify identity crisis or problems (e.g Transgender etc)

E. Hateful Content We do NOT allow content that is directed (whether intentional or not) at attacking or provoking hatred towards any particular race, User, author, group of people etc. Use of hate speech symbols, abusive language, curse words are NOT allowed.

F. Advertisements Making advertisements on your content, unrelated to such content are NOT allowed. You are NOT allowed to place links or advertisements intended to redirect traffic from the TWP platform to any third party sites, not related to the content.

Upload Pixel Dimensions and Format

A. The coverpage
The coverpage of your webtoon should be 1080 * 1080 pixels

B. The chapter content of your series
To Upload your webtoon on TWP your full chapter image must be divided into smaller sections.
These smaller sections must be in the dimension: 1080 * 1920 pixels(that is, 1080 pixels wide and 1920 pixels tall )

C. The Thumbnails
You can choose any of the pictures from the chapter you are uploading to ba used as the thumbnails for the chapter.
JPG and PNG format allowed.

TWP Content Approval System When you first upload or submit a content, it will first be screened and approved by us, before it is published on the platform. An uploaded content may take up to 3 - 4 working days to be approved, depending on the the workload and number of contents to be approved. We will attempt to notify you if your content has been approved. We may or may not notify you if your content has been disapproved. TWP reserves the right to disapprove or cancel any content that does not meet up to our guidelines or any content which we are not in support of. If subsequently, TWP detects in an already-approved or ongoing series or webtoon, some content that defaults or does not meet up with Our Policy, or content which we are not in support of, TWP reserves the right to take down that episode or chapter or even take down the entire series without notice, and such author's account may be subject to further review. Any account that poses a threat to or carries out any action deemed to be harmful to TWP or to TWP Elites will be banned. Furthermore, TWP will not welcome any attempt to circumnavigate a ban, whether through creation of other accounts or whatever means.

Reporting Feel free to report any content, including comments, series/uploads or feedbacks, which you believe is not appropriate or in keeping with our content guidelines. To give any report, contact us via our email: thewebtoonproject@gmail.com or via the 'contact us' link on the menu bar at the top right corner of the TWP homepage. To report any series, send us a message stating the name of the series, the specific URL of the series, the reason why you believe the series is inappropriate, and if related to copyright infringement, provide evident proof of the real copyright owner. To report any comments or feedback, send us a message with a screenshot of the specific comment or feedback, the specific URL of the series or page where the comment or feedback was mentioned, the reason why you believe the comment or feedback is inappropriate. Reported series, comments or feedback will be reviewed and if the report is justified, will be removed and the author warned and/or banned. Please do not give any false reports. Such acts will NOT be tolerated and may result in actions being taken against the reporters' account.

Feedback If you have any questions, feedbacks or contributions, please contact us at: thewebtoonproject@gmail.com LAST MODIFIED: 20th January 2025

Privacy Policy

TWP ("TWP", "we", "us" "our")

respects your privacy and hence, has established certain policies and procedures relating to the collection and use of your personal information in connection with your use of all services of TWP, TWP website or its content or platform ("Our Services"). Your use of Our Services indicates that you agree with Our Policy, including this privacy policy.

The Information we get or access from or about you, and how we get them
A. Account creation and access to Our Services
When you create an account, we will require your personal information such as name, date of birth, email address, password.
By accessing Our Services, we automatically gain access to other details about you such as your Internet protocol (IP) addresses, date/time stamp, operating system (mobile or laptop), mobile network information including carrier name and phone number, browser type and setting, location information, system activity, hardware settings etc.

B. Your activities
We keep track of every activity you perform on our platform, including but not limited to your comments, contributions, feedbacks, chats etc.

C. Your messages to us via any medium we provide When you send us a message via "contact us" link, your message will be stored on our database for references and other purposes. Your messages to our email are also stored as well as through any other means we provide, whether currently existing or future means not yet created or adopted.

D. Your participation in any program, event or surveys organized by us.
When participating in any form of programs including but not limited to contests, surveys etc, we may request or access your personal information such as your name, age etc.

E. Tracking Technologies
We use tracking technologies such as cookies to keep track of User activities around the website and improve user experience by identifying their interests and preferences. You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but this may limit your use of some of the functionality of Our Services.

What we do with the information we get
To provide better User experience on our platform To operate and maintain Our Services To verify and process your creation of TWP account To allow you manage your TWP account and/or conduct any other activities on Our Services For research purposes in order to improve Our Services to you and in order to develop new products and/or services for you To provide adequate customer care and support to you For promotional and marketing purposes To contact you when necessary To notify you of any important information regarding Our Services To enhance confidentiality and improve security For enforcement of Our Policy To monitor, prevent, identify, investigate, and report any violations, unauthorized use of and/or abuse of Our Services and/or suspected illegal activities

Who we share it with
We do not trade, sell or rent your personal information to external parties without your permission. However, we may share your personal information with third party service providers that work with TWP in providing you Our Services. Hence, there may be a transfer of your information countries outside your country of residence. In cases of business liaise, sale or transfer of all or a part of our business or assets, we may share your personal information with such businesses. Also, for legal purposes, we may share your personal information with any law enforcement agencies or authorities or as may be required by applicable laws.

Third party sites
Your access to any third-party services (such as Facebook, Instagram or any other third party sites) through Our Services may require you to share some information with these third-party services, including information about your activity on Our Services. Hence, you should also read through their Privacy policy in order to be well informed.
We will not be held responsible for any damages caused by your access to such third parties.

Security measures
We are very careful in the way we manage your personal information and we set appropriate measures in place to secure and maintain privacy of your personal information which we collect. Some security measures which we have adopted include but are not limited to:
Encryption of your personal information
Encryption of passwords Authentication of User accounts

User rights
The following are the rights you have regarding your personal information: Right to request or view your personal information which we have in our custody. Right to change, correct or rectify your personal information. Right to request deletion. You can withdraw your consent to the collection, storage and use of your personal information by requesting a deletion of your account. Any of the above requests can be made by sending us a message via the "contact us" link on our menu on the top right corner of the homepage or via our email; expressing and stating clearly, your requests.

Modification to our Privacy Policy
TWP reserves the right to make modifications to our Privacy Policy where we deem necessary, with or without notifying you and such modifications will take effect, immediately upon its posting on the Platform. Hence, it's important that you check or revise our Policy regularly in case of modifications. Your continued use of our platform signifies that you agree to the our Policy, even when modified.
If you do not agree with any modifications made, please do not continue to use Our Services.

If you have any questions, feedbacks or contributions, please contact us at: thewebtoonproject@gmail.com
LAST MODIFIED: 20th January 2025